W6TRW Club Meeting July 13, 2021


Stepping Up To A Hexbeam

Chris Newton, N6FR

Stepping up to a multiband directional antenna can be an intimidating and costly engineering enterprise.  However, the broadband hexbeam is an attractive option on both fronts.  This presentation covers the theory behind the hexbeam, construction notes on the commercial product sold by KIO Technology, and early experiences on-the-air.

When: Tuesday, July 13th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Click here to download presentation slides

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person. Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

Field Day 2021 Is On!

W6TRW Field Day 2021 Is On!

June 26-27, 2021

QTH: Deane Dana Friendship Park, San Pedro

1805 W 9th St, San Pedro, CA 90732
Event Schedule: 1800 UTC Saturday (11:00am local); Ending at 2100 UTC Sunday (2:00pm local)

Due to recent COVID restrictions being lifted and thanks to the quick work of several club members, the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club will be participating in Field Day 2021!

The setup this year will be overall a smaller scale than previous years, but this is actually a greater demonstration of the ability for W6TRW to react in case of a real-life emergency event! In reality, we likely wouldn’t have the ability, manpower, and time available to set up our usual antenna towers and heavy equipment. This year, simple wire antennas, lower power, and lightweight shelter will put our skills to the test!

All visitors are welcome to stop by and chat about our setup and ask questions! There will be an info booth, UHF/VHF Get-On-The Air station, and satellite station in addition to several operators running HF stations. Please click this link for an info packet with more details! W6TRW Field Day 2021 Info Packet

American Radio Relay
League Field Day is a nationwide annual public service drill put on by amateur
radio operators to prepare for volunteer emergency and disaster response.


W6TRW Club Meeting March 9, 2021

Amateur Radio During the Pandemic …and Post-Pandemic

Diana Feinberg, AI6DF

Diana is the ARRL Los Angeles Section Manager and President of the K6PV Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Club.  She is very active in South Bay ham radio activities and many of you already know her from past events, hamfests, and talks.  Diana will update us on the changes the ARRL and South Bay are seeing recently in amateur radio activities. 

When: Tuesday, March 9th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Click Here to Download the PDF Presentation

Due to continued Covid-10 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person. Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833


W6TRW Club Meeting February 9, 2021

Living with a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car

Presented by Jim Harrison, K6OUE

When: Tuesday, February 9th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Due to continued Covid-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person.  Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833


W6TRW Club Meeting January 12, 2021

Remote Amateur Radio VEC Testing Experience

Presented by Chris Newton, N6FR

When: Tuesday, January 12th, at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Click Here to Download the PDF Presentation


Due to continued Covid-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person.  Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday December 8, 2020 Repeater Net & Zoom

W6TRW General Meeting 6:30 PM Tuesday 8 December Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net on the W6TRW 2 meter and 440 MHz repeaters, and a Zoom meeting.

For the 8 December Tuesday 6:30 PM call-in, here is the W6TRW repeater info ( https://w6trw.com/repeaters/ ):

VHF 2 Meters • 145.320 MHz, Offset: -600 kHz, PL: 114.8 Hz; Located in Redondo Beach, CA • All-Star node 505680

UHF 440 MHz • 447.000 MHz, Offset: -5 MHz, PL: 100.0 Hz; Located in Palos Verdes, CA • All-Star node 505681

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting will not be held in person. But to take its place, as a virtual meeting, we will again hold a radio net Tuesday 8 December starting at 6:30 PM, on the W6TRW FM repeaters (see repeater info below), and a Zoom meeting (see link below).

The speaker topic for this November virtual meeting is:

“VHF Beginner Talk”

by Bill W6QR.

Bill will present a comprehensive, interesting and informative session on VHF weak signal operation,  radios and antennas, modes, and VHF propagation,.

Here is a link to the slides, so we can follow along. The slides will be uploaded before the meeting.


The slides will also be presented in the Zoom meeting:

The W6TRW Radio Club is inviting you to a Zoom meeting. To join the meeting at the scheduled date and time, please click on the link:

W6TRW Monthly Meeting


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

You don’t need a Zoom account or anything – just click the link. You can hear the audio through your computer, or you can dial in on the phone. We will try to be listening on the W6TRW repeaters as well, if you want to check in, but we will not run the meeting audio over the radio.

W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday November 10, 2020 Repeater Net & Zoom

 W6TRW General Meeting 5:30PM 6:30 PM Tuesday 10 November Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net on the W6TRW 2 meter and 440 MHz repeaters, and a Zoom meeting.

For the 10 November Tuesday 5:30PM 6:30PM call-in, here is the W6TRW repeater info ( https://w6trw.com/repeaters/ ): 

VHF 2 Meters • 145.320 MHz, Offset: -600 kHz, PL: 114.8 Hz; Located in Redondo Beach, CA • All-Star node 505680

UHF 440 MHz • 447.000 MHz, Offset: -5 MHz, PL: 100.0 Hz; Located in Palos Verdes, CA • All-Star node 505681


Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting will not be held in person.  But to take its place, as a virtual meeting, we will again hold a radio net Tuesday 10 November starting at 5:30 PM, on the W6TRW FM repeaters (see repeater info below), and a Zoom meeting (see link below). 

The speaker topic for this November virtual meeting is: 


by Bill WQ6R.

Bill will present a comprehensive, interesting and informative session on all the aspects and options for portable stations: latest equipment, setup and operation, and same principles applied to mobile stations. 

Here is a link to the slides, so we can follow along.  The slides will be uploaded before the meeting.  https://w6trw.com/wp-content/uploads/Portable-Mobile-Ops-WQ6R-Nov-2020.pdf

The slides will also be presented in the Zoom meeting: 

The W6TRW Radio Club is inviting you to a Zoom meeting.  To join the meeting at the scheduled date and time, please click on the link:


W6TRW Monthly Meeting


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in:  1 669 900 6833

You don’t need a Zoom account or anything – just click the link.  You can hear the audio through your computer, or you can dial in on the phone.

W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday October 13, 2020 Repeater Net & Zoom

Hi, all!

We’re going to try something different for the Tuesday 13 October net.  Since a number of our W6TRW members can’t hit the local South Bay based W6TRW repeaters, we have decided to try Zoom, which other amateur radio clubs are using.

Zoom isn’t as bad as the reputation that precedes it– you can dial in with your phone, or web browser, no account needed, and nothing to download.  In the web browser, you’ll be able to see the slides when the speaker is presenting.  Alternatively, you can download the slides from the W6TRW website, at https://w6trw.com/wp-content/uploads/N6EWT-PortablePi-FD-2020.pdf and follow along with just telephone dial-in.

This going to be a great talk.  Chris N6EWT shows solutions for several aspects of low power operating. 


So, we’re going to do the monthly W6TRW meeting in two parts, and see how it works:  First, starting at 5:15 PM, we will do radio check-ins via the W6TRW repeaters, like we have done the past few months, and then at 5:30 PM, we will start a Zoom session. 

EARLY CHECK-IN on the repeater:  5:15 PM

Radio check-ins starting at 5:15 PM and I will continue to monitor the radio for the duration of the meeting.  The speaker topic, “Low Power Field Day Digital Station Using Raspberry Pi” will start at 5:30 PM, and the audio will be carried over Zoom.  We didn’t find a practical way, so far, to carry the audio on both repeaters and Zoom, without a compromise in audio quality and some confusion in integrating the voice traffic from both sources.


The Zoom session won’t start until 5:30 PM, so if you dial in early, you might get a “passcode not valid” message.  But it will be active at 5:30 PM.  It’s easy to get in – you can dial in only, with the phone number and passcode, or you can click the link and use your web browser.  See below:



Topic: W6TRW October General Meeting
Time: Oct 13, 2020 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

You can join the meeting via your web browser:  https://ucla.zoom.us/j/91280686712
You can call in on the phone:  Dial 1 213 338 8477, then punch in the Meeting ID: 912 8068 6712#

More dial-in numbers:
Dial by your location
        +1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)
+1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)
+1 720 928 9299 US (Denver)
+1 971 247 1195 US (Portland)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 602 753 0140 US (Phoenix)
+1 651 372 8299 US (St. Paul)
+1 786 635 1003 US (Miami)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 912 8068 6712 #
Find your local number: https://ucla.zoom.us/u/auxvd2MAV

New online webinars to be offered by ARRL Learning Network

ARRL is introducing live 30-minute webinars to help spread the word of the various activities and opportunities available to members.

The topic for the first session is Relay Stations and the Art of Traffic Handling, presented by Aaron Hulett, K8AMH on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 10 AM PDT / 1 PM EDT (1700 UTC). See the ARRL site for the complete list of scheduled sessions: http://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-members-to-lead-new-30-minute-amateur-radio-webinar-series


If you would like to participate as a speaker, you can fill out their Call to Speakers form here:


W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday July 14, 2020 Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net

W6TRW General Meeting

Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net

Tuesday July 14, 2020 @ 5:30pm

QTH: Virtual by Net 

Net Control: Greg Shreve, KE6YEX

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting will not be held in person. But to take its place, as a virtual meeting, we will hold a radio net Tuesday 14 July starting at 5:30 PM, on the W6TRW FM repeaters.

We don’t have a speaker topic for this July meeting, but we will do a quick Field Day re-cap, to ask what people did for Field Day.

If you want to associate your Field Day effort with out club, W6TRW, please enter exactly the club name: W6TRW AMATEUR RADIO CLUB on the ARRL Field Day entry form: https://field-day.arrl.org/fdentry.php

During the net, we will also have a Discord session running in parallel, for text chat and voice chat, for members who cannot reach the W6TRW repeaters, or in general for member messaging. Discord can also be used for screen-sharing and presentations.
Discord can be run in many ways – as a mobile app, in a browser window (http://www.discord.com), or as a desktop app. Please see the attached PDF instructions for quickly setting up a Discord user account, and for joining W6TRW sessions.
The Discord setup instructions are also at https://w6trw.com/wp-content/uploads/W6TRW-Discord-User-Setup.pdf or at the W6TRW Presentations page https://w6trw.com/club-meeting-presentations/. It’s easy and safe to make an account.

Repeater info ( https://w6trw.com/repeaters/ ):

VHF 2 Meters • 145.320 MHz, Offset: -600 kHz, PL: 114.8 Hz; Located in Redondo Beach, CA • All-Star node 505680

UHF 440 MHz • 447.000 MHz, Offset: -5 MHz, PL: 100.0 Hz; Located in Palos Verdes, CA • All-Star node 505681

Here’s a fun ham radio event, 8-9 August 2020, that you can do from your computer. This is like the Ham Expo events that take place every year or two, except this year, it’s virtual. There is a great list of speakers, and virtual booths by all the usual vendors. Free registration: https://qsotoday.vfairs.com/en/registration

QSO Today Virtual Ham Radio Expo https://qsotoday.vfairs.com/en/

The speakers’ talks will be on the website for 30 days. It looks like a bunch of good ones.