W6TRW Club Meeting May 9, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Saving History From the Landfill – The Last Collins
Radio VOA Broadcast Transmitter”

Dennis Kidder, W6DQ

The story of one of the largest shortwave broadcast transmitters built by Collins Radio for
the Voice of America (VOA)! Taking the preservation of vintage Collins equipment to a
whole new level: The Collins 821A-1, 250kW HF Transmitter, weighing in at 22 tons!


Dennis Kidder, W6DQ
Dennis was first licensed as WN6NIA in 1969 and was granted W6DQ, the callsign of one of his Elmers, a little over ten years back. He is a retired system engineer out of the aerospace
industry, having worked on everything from satellites to airport telecommunications systems, military air traffic control to battlefield comms. Dennis is an amateur radio renaissance man, a collector of the game changing radios from pre-World War 2 to the present. He enjoys 80 meter AM on his Collins broadcast transmitter and working 10 GHz SSB with the San Bernardino Microwave Society. Dennis is the co-author of Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio and a sought-after speaker at ham radio events.


When: Tuesday, May 9th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting April 11, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Electric Aircraft – Survey and Applications”

Rhon Williams, KJ6IRJ

A survey of past, present, and future aircraft using electric motor(s) to drive propeller(s), within a rapidly changing industry. Discussions will include the technologies and applications that drive the aircraft design.  There are currently new models of flight training aircraft coming to the market that promise lower costs per hour, while providing sufficient flight endurance for much of the typical training activity.  Also in development are personal use, urban air mobility, and even hybrid powered transport aircraft.


Rhon Williams (KJ6IRJ) is an FAAST Representative and holds Commercial-SMEL, Helicopter, Glider, and CFI-AIG pilot ratings and is an A&P mechanic.

He is co-owner of a Cirrus SR22, in which he and his wife fly throughout the country.

Rhon is also an active experimental home-builder having completed a plans-built Early Bird Jenny

which first flew in December 2015.


When: Tuesday, April 11th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting March 14, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Diplexers, Triplexers, and the Low-Profile Mobile”

Allen Wolff, KC7O

A presentation about hiding radio equipment and yet have the ability to transmit using two antennas on 2, 220, 440 along with simultaneously APRS operation. The use of Diplexers and Triplexers make this possible.

Also, installation techniques with safety and functionality considerations.


Allen Wolff, KC7O, has held an Amateur license for 59 years (in NY, NJ, IN, UT and CA), is an ARRL Life Member, and earned his First Class FCC Radio Telephone License (now General Radio Telephone) in 1974. He is an ARRL Life Member and has had his Extra Class License since 1980.

Allen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, RF Communications from Drexel University, Philadelphia PA and is retired from a career mostly in aerospace manufacturing.

In 1999 he was awarded the ARRL Herb Brier Instructor of the Year award, for 17 years of teaching Novice and Technician classes accounting for at least 450 new Ham Radio licenses.


When: Tuesday, March 14th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting February 14, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“HF Update – Making The Most of Your Operating Time”

Bill Shanney, W6QR

In this presentation, Bill reviews transceiver performance with an emphasis on making sure you get what you want and also a radio that has a clean transmitter. Following is an antenna overview leading into some examples of how to use available critical frequency data to compute optimum operating times. Bill will end with a brief summary of propagation during today’s good conditions.

“My first call was WV2RDG in NJ. I became WA2RDG when I got my general in 1961. I operate 99.5% CW on 160-6M. After a long period of inactivity (career and family) I upgraded to extra class in 1988 and became very active. That is also the year that I joined the TRW ARC. I have a BSEE from NJ Institute of Technology and worked for 45 years in RF and microwave design. I retired from NG/TRW in 2007 after 31 years with the company.”

When: Tuesday, February 14th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

Happy New Year! Don’t forget to renew your 2023 Membership!

Welcome to the New Year 2023!

We hope you had a great holiday season!

This is a friendly reminder to fill out your annual membership form. We are planning some new events for 2023 that you won’t want to miss as well as a return to in-person meetings! We won’t completely abandon online Zoom meetings though and we are discussing ways to do a hybrid meeting.

Also starting this year we are expanding our capabilities by offering ways to digitally pay membership through Venmo, Zelle, or PayPal. We received some feedback that the application process was a bit cumbersome, so we hope this helps make things easier! See the application form for more details.

We hope to see you soon and hear you on the air!

2023 W6TRW Membership Application


W6TRW Club Meeting January 10, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Intro to Amateur Microwave Radio — History of amateur microwave and how to get started”

Dennis Kidder W6DQ

“Hams have always pushed technological limits … in the 20’s SHF meant 28 mcs, and today, we are pushing into mm wavelengths.  We will share a brief history of microwave communications by amateurs, and describe what is needed to get started yourself.”

Dennis was first licensed as WN6NIA in 1969 and was granted W6DQ, the callsign of one of his Elmers, a little over ten years back. He is a retired system engineer out of the aerospace industry, having worked on everything from satellites to airport telecommunications systems, military air traffic control to battlefield comms. Dennis is an amateur radio renaissance man, a collector of the game changing radios from pre World War 2 to the present. He enjoys 80 meter AM on his Collins broadcast transmitter and working 10 GHz SSB with the San Bernardino Microwave Society. Dennis is the co author of Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio and a sought after speaker at ham radio events.

When: Tuesday, January 10th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting December 13, 2022

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“2022 W6TRW Equipment Upgrades”

Chris Wachs WA2KDL and Dylon Mutz N6MX

With another year coming to an end, it’s a good time to reflect on all that has happened throughout the year.  And there was A LOT that happened this year within the club. This meeting will cover the various upgrades made in 2022 to the W6TRW repeaters, shack, OSCAR station, and tower antennas.  We’ll also cover some of the plans for 2023 and continuation of ongoing projects.

We’re happy to have you join us for the last meeting of the year! Happy Holidays and New Year!

When: Tuesday, December 13th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW 54th Annual Awards Banquet 2022

W6TRW 54th Annual Awards Banquet 2022!

“RF Safety and Amateur Radio”

Presented by: Wayne Overbeck, N6NB

When: Tuesday, November 12th at 5:00PM – 8:00PM

Where: Northrop Grumman Space Park (Bldg S) Cafeteria

One Space Park, Redondo Beach, CA

Image courtesy of pexels.com

Welcome back to our FIRST in-person event since before the pandemic! Wayne Overbeck, N6NB, will be presenting on RF Safety in Amateur Radio. Wayne previously presented for our club meeting in September on “Roving even before there was roving: A 65-year Odyssey” which was very interesting and really showed off the creativity, ingenuity, and history of the activity! We are very much looking forward to having Wayne back for this banquet presentation.

Join us for a fantastic catered dinner, socialize with other club members and hams, and learn more about our great hobby! Club members also have the opportunity to win door prizes!

Attendees, please fill out form linked below to RSVP.

The RSVP deadline has also been extended to November 4th!

Click here for the W6TRW 54th Annual Awards 2022 RSVP Form

W6TRW Club Meeting October 11, 2022

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“External Filters for Ham Radio:
How to solve a problem, have fun, and make more contacts!”

Dick Knight, N1OR

Hams often encounter interference that can be easily eliminated with the right external
filter. Dick will discuss when this is likely to occur and share tips on how to select a suitable
filter to solve the problem. Options to consider include purchase of completed filters, kits,
and even DIY design. Dick’s talk will include an overview of these options with examples and
sources. Tips will also be included for filter selection, construction, design and evaluation.
Building a filter can be a very enjoyable activity as well as resulting in more contacts in
challenging environments.

Like many University of Illinois graduates, Dick was drawn to the exciting California electronics industry of the 1970’s. He spent a career in government electronics (Watkins Johnson), instrumentation (Tektronix) and a display start up ( Sarif ). In “retirement” he served as Interim Dean of Engineering (Portland State) and other academic roles. In the ‘90’s Dick, his wife and two sons became hams and enjoyed communicating while hiking and climbing in the Oregon wilderness. More recently his son, KD7DTS, began using a Software Defined Radio in high interference areas and enticed Dick into the challenges and pleasures of designing, making, and using external ham radio filters.


When: Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person. Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting September 13, 2022

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Roving Even Before There Was Roving: A 65-Year Odyssey”

Wayne Overbeck, N6NB

Photo Credit: ARRL QST magazine

This is a story that began in a little house in Manhattan Beach back when there were many little houses there–some selling for less than $10,000. It’s about “roving” long before it was allowed in VHF contests and it took N6NB (ex-K6YNB) on VHF expeditions from Vermont to Alaska. It started with vacuum tubes and ended with digital technologies.

First licensed in 1957, Wayne Overbeck has been interested in VHF+ operating, and especially portable contesting, for more than 60 years He won the Radio Amateur of the Year Award at the Dayton Hamvention in 1980 as well as the ARRL Technical Excellence Award and the John Chambers Memorial Award of the Central States VHF Society in 1978. He won the Chambers Award again in 2015. He holds Ph.D. and J.D. degrees and is a retired Professor of Communications at California State University, Fullerton. He was the ARRL Southwestern Division Vice Director from 1984 to 1992.

When: Tuesday, September 13th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person. Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833