Speaker Topic for this Month:
“W6TRW Field Day 2023 – An Experiment in QRP“
Greg Shreve KE6YEX, Dylon N6MX, Mark KD7DTS
We’re planning for Field Day 2023. We’ll be at Friendship Park again, and this year we’re doing something different – QRP (5-watt transmitter power maximum, battery/solar power only). W6TRW Field Day 2022 was a dry run for QRP, using only portable antennas, no crank-up towers. The solar cycle is excellent this year, so QRP will be exciting!!
Greg Shreve, KE6YEX
Greg has been the Field Day Co-chair for the past couple of years, along with the veteran radio operators and co-chairs for all the other Field Day activities, the people who have really made Field Day a success, year after year. Greg is a past president of the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club.
Dylon Mutz, N6MX
Dylon is President of the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club, multi-talented W6TRW Shackmaster, and admin for our Discord server. Dylon is currently managing our Tower 2 refurb, and in the past two years, he has organized a number of work parties for new HF antennas, a complete re-build of our club’s satellite station, as well as implementing and assisting our repeater upgrades and AllStar nodes and participating in the annual ARRL VHF contests. Dylon has been a key member of the W6TRW Field Day team for the past few years and is taking on an even bigger role this year.
Mark Knight, KD7DTS
Mark was originally licensed in the late 1990s. After moving to California, he started volunteering as a forest ranger with the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (SGWA). Part of being a ranger is keeping in radio contact with the Forest Service to respond to emergencies. He modified his original Yaesu FT50R, to get back on the air while in the mountains – and he discovered an amazing SOTA and POTA community. All Mark’s operations are QRP from a backpack or a bicycle, powered exclusively by batteries and coffee. Mark is W6TRW Amateur Radio Club Secretary this year, and he has a key role in engineering our QRP Field Day 2023.
When: Tuesday, June 13th at 6:30 PM
Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom
Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person. Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895
Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833
Event Schedule: Club Set-Up Saturday 24 June 2023 11:00am
Weekend of 24-25 June 2023
Begins at 1800 UTC Saturday ending at 2100 UTC Sunday
Want to participate? Contact Greg Shreve, greg.shreve2@ngc.com
The W6TRW Amateur Radio Club will set up their antennas and emergency
communications equipment in Friendship Park for the annual emergency response
drill, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day. American Radio Relay
League Field Day is a nationwide annual public service drill put on by amateur
radio operators to prepare for volunteer emergency and disaster response.