W6TRW Club Meeting July 11, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“PVARC expeditions to Catalina island”

Ray Day, N6HE

Guest speaker, Ray Day, N6HE presents the 2014 Palos Verdes ARC (K6PV) Trip to the Santa Catalina Islands!

Ray N6HE started as WN4LFP in Miami Springs, FL on 12/7/62.  He currently uses an IC-7300 as a travel/portable rig, got hooked on direct-sampling SDR, and now has a Flex 6600.  His homestation uses an Alpha 9500 RF amp for QRO when needed, into a 129′ end-fedlong wire with Balun Designs 9315 9:1 un-un.  For VHF/UHF, Ray uses a Tera 7400UHF DMR handheld, a Yaesu ID-5100A FM/D-Star base station, all connected to the internet, and FM VHF/UHF handhelds.  Ray graduated from Georgia Tech in 1966 as an RF-oriented Electrical Engineer and a member of TKE fraternity.  Ray is an ARRLVolunteer Examiner and was a ARRL Official Observer and LAX SectionOfficial Observer Coordinator.   Hobbies other than radio: Photography, scuba diving, and international travel (preferably, all at once!). Link to bio: https://www.qrz.com/db/N6HE.


When: Tuesday, July 11th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833