W6TRW Club Meeting October 10, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“This is Not a Drill” – When a Mass Casualty Incident Drill Turns Real”


Orange County regularly conducts county-wide mass casualty exercises. Guest speaker, Dennis W6DQ, will be sharing the story of how a mass casualty exercise became a REAL MCI, ultimately the largest MCI in Orange County’s history.

Dennis was first licensed as WN6NIA in 1969 and was granted W6DQ, the callsign of one of his Elmers, a little over 10 years back. He is a retired systems engineer out of the aerospace industry, having worked on everything from satellites to airport telecommunications systems, military air traffic control to battlefield comms. His interests in ham radio range from weak signal VHF/UHF/microwave to boat anchor collecting and restoration.  Dennis  is an amateur radio renaissance man, a collector of the game changing radios from pre-World War 2  to the present. He enjoys 80 meter AM on his Collins broadcast transmitter and working 10 GHz SSB with the San Bernardino Microwave Society.  Dennis is the co-author of Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio and a sought-after speaker at ham radio events.


When: Tuesday, October 10th at 6:30 PM

Where*: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

* Please note that this meeting will be Virtual via Zoom. We will remain Virtual until the S-cafeteria renovation is complete.


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting September 12, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Phenomenally cool microwave kit”

Tony Long, KC6QHP

Guest speaker, Tony Long, KC6QHP presents some phenomenally cool microwave kit!

Since the mid 1990’s, Tony Long has been captivated by 10 GHz and beyond and has built numerous radio systems for those higher bands. In this presentation, he will discuss some of the equipment he has built and share the reasons for his design and fabrication decisions.

Tony Long’s current ham radio goal is to make at least one QSO on all the amateur radio bands, from 137 kHz to 241 GHz. Between 1.8MHz and 1.2 GHz, it is reasonably easy to find commercial equipment, but at the extremities, things become a bit more challenging.

Attached photo: Tony KC6QHP’s dual band (10 and 24 GHz) station operating during the 2022 ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest from Los Arboles Rocketship Park in Torrance.


When*: Tuesday, September 12th at 5:30 PM

Where*: Northrop Grumman S-Cafe and Virtual Meeting on Zoom

* Please note that this meeting is both On-Campus and Virtual via Zoom. The time is at 5:30 PM (previous meetings were at 6:30 pm).


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting August 8th, 2023

In-Person Meeting

We will be holding the monthly W6TRW general meeting at noon on Tuesday August 8th, in the east patio of the Building S Cafeteria on the Northrop Grumman campus in Redondo Beach.  This lunch meeting takes place of the W6TRW evening Zoom meeting for August.

See the map below if you are not familiar with the Northrop Grumman Space Park Redondo Beach campus.  Look for Building “S” on the map, head North of the building and walk down the stairs. The meeting will take place on the left (east) patio.

When: Tuesday, August 8th at Noon

Where: Northrop Grumman S-Cafe

No Zoom Meeting for August


W6TRW Club Meeting July 11, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“PVARC expeditions to Catalina island”

Ray Day, N6HE

Guest speaker, Ray Day, N6HE presents the 2014 Palos Verdes ARC (K6PV) Trip to the Santa Catalina Islands!

Ray N6HE started as WN4LFP in Miami Springs, FL on 12/7/62.  He currently uses an IC-7300 as a travel/portable rig, got hooked on direct-sampling SDR, and now has a Flex 6600.  His homestation uses an Alpha 9500 RF amp for QRO when needed, into a 129′ end-fedlong wire with Balun Designs 9315 9:1 un-un.  For VHF/UHF, Ray uses a Tera 7400UHF DMR handheld, a Yaesu ID-5100A FM/D-Star base station, all connected to the internet, and FM VHF/UHF handhelds.  Ray graduated from Georgia Tech in 1966 as an RF-oriented Electrical Engineer and a member of TKE fraternity.  Ray is an ARRLVolunteer Examiner and was a ARRL Official Observer and LAX SectionOfficial Observer Coordinator.   Hobbies other than radio: Photography, scuba diving, and international travel (preferably, all at once!). Link to bio: https://www.qrz.com/db/N6HE.


When: Tuesday, July 11th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting June 13, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“W6TRW Field Day 2023 – An Experiment in QRP

Greg Shreve KE6YEX, Dylon N6MX, Mark KD7DTS


We’re planning for Field Day 2023.  We’ll be at Friendship Park again, and this year we’re doing something different – QRP (5-watt transmitter power maximum, battery/solar power only).  W6TRW Field Day 2022 was a dry run for QRP, using only portable antennas, no crank-up towers.  The solar cycle is excellent this year, so QRP will be exciting!!

Greg Shreve, KE6YEX

Greg has been the Field Day Co-chair for the past couple of years, along with the veteran radio operators and co-chairs for all the other Field Day activities, the people who have really made Field Day a success, year after year.  Greg is a past president of the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club.

Dylon Mutz, N6MX

Dylon is President of the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club, multi-talented W6TRW Shackmaster, and admin for our Discord server. Dylon is currently managing our Tower 2 refurb, and in the past two years, he has organized a number of work parties for new HF antennas, a complete re-build of our club’s satellite station, as well as implementing and assisting our repeater upgrades and AllStar nodes and participating in the annual ARRL VHF contests.  Dylon has been a key member of the W6TRW Field Day team for the past few years and is taking on an even bigger role this year.

Mark Knight, KD7DTS

Mark was originally licensed in the late 1990s.  After moving to California, he started volunteering as a forest ranger with the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (SGWA). Part of being a ranger is keeping in radio contact with the Forest Service to respond to emergencies. He modified his original Yaesu FT50R, to get back on the air while in the mountains – and he discovered an amazing SOTA and POTA community. All Mark’s operations are QRP from a backpack or a bicycle, powered exclusively by batteries and coffee. Mark is W6TRW Amateur Radio Club Secretary this year, and he has a key role in engineering our QRP Field Day 2023.

When: Tuesday, June 13th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person. Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833


Event Schedule: Club Set-Up Saturday 24 June 2023 11:00am
Weekend of 24-25 June 2023

Begins at 1800 UTC Saturday ending at 2100 UTC Sunday

Want to participate? Contact Greg Shreve, greg.shreve2@ngc.com

The W6TRW Amateur Radio Club will set up their antennas and emergency
communications equipment in Friendship Park for the annual emergency response
drill, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day. American Radio Relay
League Field Day is a nationwide annual public service drill put on by amateur
radio operators to prepare for volunteer emergency and disaster response.



Check out our Crosstalk Newsletter Archive!

NEW! Check out our Crosstalk Newsletter Archive!

Decades of club history now available to browse! Lots of articles dating back to the early days of the club circa 1968!

Check it out by clicking here!

Special thanks to past President Bob Briggs, KD6WYQ, and son, Carey R. Briggs, for digitizing and keeping these safe over the years!


W6TRW Club Meeting May 9, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Saving History From the Landfill – The Last Collins
Radio VOA Broadcast Transmitter”

Dennis Kidder, W6DQ

The story of one of the largest shortwave broadcast transmitters built by Collins Radio for
the Voice of America (VOA)! Taking the preservation of vintage Collins equipment to a
whole new level: The Collins 821A-1, 250kW HF Transmitter, weighing in at 22 tons!


Dennis Kidder, W6DQ
Dennis was first licensed as WN6NIA in 1969 and was granted W6DQ, the callsign of one of his Elmers, a little over ten years back. He is a retired system engineer out of the aerospace
industry, having worked on everything from satellites to airport telecommunications systems, military air traffic control to battlefield comms. Dennis is an amateur radio renaissance man, a collector of the game changing radios from pre-World War 2 to the present. He enjoys 80 meter AM on his Collins broadcast transmitter and working 10 GHz SSB with the San Bernardino Microwave Society. Dennis is the co-author of Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio and a sought-after speaker at ham radio events.


When: Tuesday, May 9th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting April 11, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Electric Aircraft – Survey and Applications”

Rhon Williams, KJ6IRJ

A survey of past, present, and future aircraft using electric motor(s) to drive propeller(s), within a rapidly changing industry. Discussions will include the technologies and applications that drive the aircraft design.  There are currently new models of flight training aircraft coming to the market that promise lower costs per hour, while providing sufficient flight endurance for much of the typical training activity.  Also in development are personal use, urban air mobility, and even hybrid powered transport aircraft.


Rhon Williams (KJ6IRJ) is an FAAST Representative and holds Commercial-SMEL, Helicopter, Glider, and CFI-AIG pilot ratings and is an A&P mechanic.

He is co-owner of a Cirrus SR22, in which he and his wife fly throughout the country.

Rhon is also an active experimental home-builder having completed a plans-built Early Bird Jenny

which first flew in December 2015.


When: Tuesday, April 11th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting March 14, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Diplexers, Triplexers, and the Low-Profile Mobile”

Allen Wolff, KC7O

A presentation about hiding radio equipment and yet have the ability to transmit using two antennas on 2, 220, 440 along with simultaneously APRS operation. The use of Diplexers and Triplexers make this possible.

Also, installation techniques with safety and functionality considerations.


Allen Wolff, KC7O, has held an Amateur license for 59 years (in NY, NJ, IN, UT and CA), is an ARRL Life Member, and earned his First Class FCC Radio Telephone License (now General Radio Telephone) in 1974. He is an ARRL Life Member and has had his Extra Class License since 1980.

Allen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, RF Communications from Drexel University, Philadelphia PA and is retired from a career mostly in aerospace manufacturing.

In 1999 he was awarded the ARRL Herb Brier Instructor of the Year award, for 17 years of teaching Novice and Technician classes accounting for at least 450 new Ham Radio licenses.


When: Tuesday, March 14th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833

W6TRW Club Meeting February 14, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“HF Update – Making The Most of Your Operating Time”

Bill Shanney, W6QR

In this presentation, Bill reviews transceiver performance with an emphasis on making sure you get what you want and also a radio that has a clean transmitter. Following is an antenna overview leading into some examples of how to use available critical frequency data to compute optimum operating times. Bill will end with a brief summary of propagation during today’s good conditions.

“My first call was WV2RDG in NJ. I became WA2RDG when I got my general in 1961. I operate 99.5% CW on 160-6M. After a long period of inactivity (career and family) I upgraded to extra class in 1988 and became very active. That is also the year that I joined the TRW ARC. I have a BSEE from NJ Institute of Technology and worked for 45 years in RF and microwave design. I retired from NG/TRW in 2007 after 31 years with the company.”

When: Tuesday, February 14th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being, but we plan to discuss returning to in-person meetings in 2023! Stay tuned for future updates!


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833