Category: Club News

W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday February 13, 2018

W6TRW General Meeting February 13, 2018 Tuesday Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance  Guest Speaker:  Joanne Michael, KM6BWB “High-Altitude Weather Balloon Launch” It began with ham radio…. In 2016, Mrs. Michael decided she wanted to launch a high altitude weather balloon with her students. A science mentor of hers told her she had to …

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W6TRW Club Meeting – Tuesday, January 9 2018

W6TRW General Meeting Jan 9, 2018 Tuesday Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance  Guest Speaker:  Allen Wolff, KC7O “3D Printing” Fresh from Hamcon’s Tech Talk 2017, Allen Wolff, KC7O is here to explain the Future. 3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. Available and …

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W6TRW 51st Annual Awards Banquet – Nov 11, 2017

NOTE: The Banquet takes the place of the monthly Club Meeting. There will be no regular Club Meeting at Round Table Pizza in November! Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017 5:30 – 10:00 pm Bluewater Grill, 665 N. Harbor Drive, Redondo Beach Join your friends for this year’s W6TRW Amateur Radio Club Annual Awards Banquet featuring guest …

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W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday, May 9, 2017

W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday, May 9, 2017 Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance Tuesday, May 9th 2017 at 5:30 pm Raspberry Pi & I.O.T. – Internet of Things Club members N6ENT Lloyd Matthews & AI6BJ Mike Bao will share with us their favorite DIY projects. Lloyd Matthews’ presentation and sample code is here.

Wednesday Noon W6TRW Radio Nets

For many years, we have held a weekly Wednesday noon radio net on our 145.320 MHz and 447.000 MHz repeaters, for W6TRW Emergency Communications Team members to check in.  We are now opening this net to all W6TRW members, to get more club participation, and  generally increase the number of members who are aware of …

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W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday January 10, 2017

W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday January 10, 2017 Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance Tuesday, Jan. 10th 2017 at 5:30 pm Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department & County Communications With 38 years of law enforcement experience with the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), Division Chief of Special Operations Division, Scott Edson, W6EDS (“my initials backward are EDS.”) is …

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W6TRW General Meeting Tuesday, July 12, 2016

W6TRW General Meeting Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 5:30 pm Roundtable Pizza 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance   Building an Airplane – the Early Bird Jenny   Rhon Williams, KJ6IRJ, will share with us his Do-It-Yourself Project … The Early Bird Jenny is a homebuilt aircraft, using modern construction materials and techniques.  It is made …

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Join W6TRW for Field Day 2016

Join us for Field Day on June 25-26 at Friendship Park in San Pedro We’re always looking for help setting up stations, towers, and antennas, operating during the event, and dismantling the site afterward. To volunteer, click on the “Contact” tab above to send a message to Field Day Chair Ray Enriquez, KD6IGI. WHEN: Setup: Friday, …

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John Bacon, KG6IMP, Silent Key

It is with great sadness that we pass on the information that long-time W6TRW Club member and Swap Meet volunteer John Bacon, KG6IMP, has died. On May 18, 2016, John William Bacon III, aged 68, was killed in a bicycle crash. The circumstances of the crash are under ongoing investigation. A long time South Bay …

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June 2016 VHF Contest Round Up

This past weekend was the VHF ARRL June contest. Club members on the air.   N6RRY Greg Martens  N6DSP and WD6DJI. Around noon on Sunday 6 meters opened up to the East and 7 land on 50.125 50.128 and 50.130 Mhz.    I worked Iowa with just a six meter dipole CN87.  NK6N was knocking off grid …

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