W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday January 10, 2017
Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance
Tuesday, Jan. 10th 2017 at 5:30 pm
Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department & County Communications
With 38 years of law enforcement experience with the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), Division Chief of Special Operations Division, Scott Edson, W6EDS (“my initials backward are EDS.”) is a recognized leader in Information sharing, Homeland Security, Communications & Technology.
His presentation will include an introduction to the L.A. Sheriff’s Dept (LASD), the current LASD Analog Communications System, the new “digital-trunked” L.A. Regional Interoperable Communications System (LA-RICS), and the L.A. County Disaster Communications System.
……….Whiskey…..…. 6 ……….Tango……….Romeo……….. Whiskey………..
Scott, became a Ham Radio operator in 1991. He worked with L.A. County RACES/DCS transmitting video of significant events back to law enforcement command posts. “I was usually in a Sheriff’s helicopter, with no door, hanging outside with a video camera connected to a packet radio transmitter.”
“My rig is a Yaesu FT-2000D with a Radio Wavx G5RV Lite Antenna inverted and just slightly off the roof line of my house peaking about 6’ at its highest. Not the most ideal, but the best I can do, since there are HOA restrictions.”
He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology Management and an AA in Administration of Justice. Member of organizations, such as ARRL, 10-10 International Net, the Papa System, DARN, Cactus Intertie System. Check out www.W6EDS.us
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