W6TRW General Meeting April 10, 2018 Tuesday @ 5:30pm Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance Guest Speaker: Jeff Reed, KK6TXO “Jeff Reed shares his SOTA experience” Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an ongoing ham radio contest, that encourages portable QRP operations in the mountain terrain. Each summit earns the ‘activators’ and the ‘chasers,’ …
Tag: Adventure
Mar 19
Outdoor Adventure Net on W6TRW Repeaters
The W6TRW Repeater participates in the Outdoor Adventure USA weekly net via the IRLP Reflector 9251 each Thursday evening at 7:30 PM immediately following the N6HSI Space Net on our 145.320 and 447.000 Repeaters. The Outdoor Adventure USA weekly net discusses various topics related to amateur radio and the outdoors. All amateurs are welcome to …