New online webinars to be offered by ARRL Learning Network

ARRL is introducing live 30-minute webinars to help spread the word of the various activities and opportunities available to members.

The topic for the first session is Relay Stations and the Art of Traffic Handling, presented by Aaron Hulett, K8AMH on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 10 AM PDT / 1 PM EDT (1700 UTC). See the ARRL site for the complete list of scheduled sessions:


If you would like to participate as a speaker, you can fill out their Call to Speakers form here:

W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday July 14, 2020 Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net

W6TRW General Meeting

Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net

Tuesday July 14, 2020 @ 5:30pm

QTH: Virtual by Net 

Net Control: Greg Shreve, KE6YEX

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting will not be held in person. But to take its place, as a virtual meeting, we will hold a radio net Tuesday 14 July starting at 5:30 PM, on the W6TRW FM repeaters.

We don’t have a speaker topic for this July meeting, but we will do a quick Field Day re-cap, to ask what people did for Field Day.

If you want to associate your Field Day effort with out club, W6TRW, please enter exactly the club name: W6TRW AMATEUR RADIO CLUB on the ARRL Field Day entry form:

During the net, we will also have a Discord session running in parallel, for text chat and voice chat, for members who cannot reach the W6TRW repeaters, or in general for member messaging. Discord can also be used for screen-sharing and presentations.
Discord can be run in many ways – as a mobile app, in a browser window (, or as a desktop app. Please see the attached PDF instructions for quickly setting up a Discord user account, and for joining W6TRW sessions.
The Discord setup instructions are also at or at the W6TRW Presentations page It’s easy and safe to make an account.

Repeater info ( ):

VHF 2 Meters • 145.320 MHz, Offset: -600 kHz, PL: 114.8 Hz; Located in Redondo Beach, CA • All-Star node 505680

UHF 440 MHz • 447.000 MHz, Offset: -5 MHz, PL: 100.0 Hz; Located in Palos Verdes, CA • All-Star node 505681

Here’s a fun ham radio event, 8-9 August 2020, that you can do from your computer. This is like the Ham Expo events that take place every year or two, except this year, it’s virtual. There is a great list of speakers, and virtual booths by all the usual vendors. Free registration:

QSO Today Virtual Ham Radio Expo

The speakers’ talks will be on the website for 30 days. It looks like a bunch of good ones.


GLAARG VE Group Offers Remote Exams

The Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group (GLAARG) is now offering remote testing.

While the W6TRW swap meet and license testing has temporarily suspended during the ongoing pandemic, this is an excellent alternative for those wishing to get their license or upgrade. This link is for information only; W6TRW is not involved with the testing.

Please see the link below for details!

Repost: One Radio Amateur Aboard Historic SpaceX Launch


If all goes according to plan, NASA astronauts Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, and Doug Hurley will make US space history today [May 27], as human spaceflight returns to the US for the first time in almost a decade.

Behnken and Hurley will be on board a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft for the “test flight” powered by a Falcon 9 launch vehicle, headed to the International Space Station (ISS).

“We are go for launch!” tweeted NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. “SpaceX and NASA will continue monitoring lift-off and downrange weather as we step into the countdown. We are proceeding toward a 4:33 [EDT] launch.”

Back-up instantaneous launch opportunities are available on Saturday, May 30, at 1922 UTC, and on Sunday, May 31, at 1900 UTC. The “Demo-2” is the final major test for SpaceX’s human spaceflight system to be certified by NASA for operational crew missions to and from the International Space Station, SpaceX said.

Launch video from the Kennedy Space Center is available on the SpaceX website.


W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday May 12, 2020 Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net

W6TRW General Meeting

Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net

Tuesday May 12, 2020 @ 5:30pm

QTH: Virtual by Net 

Topic: “Alternatives to ARRL Field Day and

Preparing for ARRL June VHF Contest”

Net Control: Greg Shreve, KE6YEX

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting will not be held in person. But to take its place, as a virtual meeting, we will hold a radio net Tuesday 12 May starting at 5:30 PM, on the W6TRW FM repeaters.

The topic for this May meeting will be alternatives to ARRL Field Day, and preparing for the ARRL 13-14 June VHF Contest. Please feel free to bring any and all ideas for Field Day, to discuss on the net. (To be clear, at this point we are not planning on hosting Field Day this year at a public site.) We would be very interested to hear from Field Day Band Captains and others who planned to operate W6TRW FD this year. We would also like to hear what the other South Bay ham clubs are planning.

Repeater info ( ):

VHF 2 Meters • 145.320 MHz, Offset: -600 kHz, PL: 114.8 Hz; Located in Redondo Beach, CA • All-Star node 505680

UHF 440 MHz • 447.000 MHz, Offset: -5 MHz, PL: 100.0 Hz; Located in Palos Verdes, CA • All-Star node 505681

If you are out of range of the W6TRW repeaters, but would like to participate in the net and want to know more about the Allstar nodes, feel free to contact us with questions.

UPDATE: W6TRW General Meeting 14 April Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net

W6TRW General Meeting 14 April Will Be Replaced by Repeater Net

Due to state, county, city of Torrance and Redondo Beach COVID-19 guidelines, the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting will not be held in person.  But to take its place, as a virtual meeting experiment, we will hold a radio net Tuesday 14 April starting at 5:30 PM, on the W6TRW FM repeaters.

Repeater info ( ):

VHF 2 Meters • 145.320 MHz, Offset: -600 kHz, PL: 114.8 Hz; Located in Redondo Beach, CA • All-Star node 505680

UHF 440 MHz • 447.000 MHz, Offset: -5 MHz, PL: 100.0 Hz; Located in Palos Verdes, CA • All-Star node 505681

The slides for the tech talk, “HF Updates” by Bill Shanney W6QR, that we would normally conduct in person, are on the W6TRW website at .  We won’t walk through the slides, but take a look, and if you have questions or comments, please feel free to discuss on the net.


A bulletin will be put out for May to let you know the status of the May meeting.

Please refer back to the website for updates on future events. Announcements will also be made on our social media platforms @w6trwswapmeet on Twitter and W6TRW Swap Meet on Facebook.

W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday March 10, 2020

W6TRW General Meeting

Tuesday March 10, 2020 @ 5:30pm

QTH: Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance 

“Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay

Presented By: Ray Enriquez, KD6IGI

CA to Las Vegas, NV. Ray Enriquez, KD6IGI, will brief volunteers supporting this event on APRIL 4-5, 2020



Event Information:








Pizza and conversation at 5:30 PM; Speaker and club business starting at 6 PM. 

The Monthly W6TRW General Meeting is a great place to meet other club members and to ask and answer questions about your radios, local repeaters, and all other radio-related topics. 

Volunteers Wanted for Baker to Vegas in April

B2V 2020 Cancellation/Postponement
Due to the current outbreak of COVID-19 and the impact it has on all of our Law Enforcement Officer’s and the communities we serve, LAPRAAC is postponing Baker to Vegas 2020. LAPRAAC is committed to all of our brother and sisters in law enforcement in assuring we put on a fun and safe event. Currently we are in discussions to move our event to the Fall of this year. LAPRAAC will continue to update everyone in a timely manner as to the status of this year’s event via our website and social media outlets. Stay safe!

This is the 36th Annual Baker to Vegas 2020

We need help!

4,5 April 2020

We need your help.

Baker to Vegas is a 120 mile relay run consisting of 20 stages that is held every March.

This is an international competition for police officers.

Over 270 teams participate in this event, with over 6000 runners and support staff. In addition to several hundred Family members and friends; and thousands of Race volunteers, like the W6TRW Amateur Radio Club.

There are two websites that provide additional information about this event – the official event web site at and one focused on amateur radio involvement at 

The amateur radio operators keep track of all of the runners that are on the course.

We have been supporting this event for about eight years and have recently been sponsoring stage 18. It’s a special spot for us, as it  is located in the middle of a neighborhood so this stage must be silent – no yelling of status – we must use radios to communicate and computers to track runner status. 

This is one event that there is real emergency radio traffic taking place.

Staffing:  We are looking for 7 more Volunteers and looking for an IT person to verify the computer is properly set up and to keep it up during the event.

The clubs communication truck will be used for this event.

If you can support or need additional information Please contact: Ray Enriquez 310-678-2732 or Email 

Note that you’ll be responsible for making your own hotel reservation and associated costs.



W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday February 11, 2020

W6TRW General Meeting

Tuesday February 11, 2020 @ 5:30pm

QTH: Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance 

“Electrical and RF Safety

Presented By: David Guder, AI6OU

Secretary/Treasurer for W6SCE Edison Amateur Radio Club

Program will include a presentation on Electrical and RF Safety, as well as a history of the Edison Amateur Radio Network (EARN). EARN was established in 1938 and the current network of 220MHz repeaters

(W6SCE) was built in the early 1990’s.

David Guder (AI6OU) is the Manager of the Title and Valuation Sections of SCE’s Real Properties Department in Pomona. He is a licensed Appraiser and Broker and has been active acquiring and managing real estate for SCE and other agencies for over 30 years. Research in progress for a future article to determine impact (if any) of ham radio towers on the prices of adjacent single-family residential homes.
Almost FCC licensed in the 1990’s, finally licensed in 2015. Currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer of the Edison Amateur Radio Network (EARN/W6SCE), Secretary for the 220SMA and also on the Coordination Board of the 220SMA. Member of EARN and SOARA. ). Active in the Newport Beach CERT program.
Published article in CQ Magazine “Ham Radio Audio Podcasts” (April 2019)

Pizza and conversation at 5:30 PM; Speaker and club business starting at 6 PM. 

The Monthly W6TRW General Meeting is a great place to meet other club members and to ask and answer questions about your radios, local repeaters, and all other radio-related topics. 

W6TRW Thursday Space Net Offline for Two Weeks

The weekly Thursday night Space Net on the W6TRW repeaters will be off the air for two weeks and will return on Thursday January 2, 2020.