W6TRW General Meeting – Tuesday December 12, 2017

W6TRW General Meeting

Dec. 12, 2017, Tuesday

Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance 

Guest Speaker:  Bill Shanney, W6QR

“QRP – Low Power Operation”

Bill Shanney

QRP — “Shall I decrease power?” “Decrease power.”

QRP has come to mean 5 W or less output for CW, or 10 W PEP output or less for SSB.

Most amateur organizations and contests embrace these as the official QRP limits. QRP exemplifies the spirit of the Rules — specifically 97.67(b), which states that “… amateur stations shall use the minimum amount of transmitter power necessary to carry out the desired communications.”

Many of the same amateur activities are alive and well within the QRP community. These activities include constructing home-brew equipment, operating QRP stations, experimenting, DX chasing, and contesting.

QRP Radio

Click Here to Download Bill’s QRP PowerPoint Presentation


 “My first call was WV2RDG in NJ. I became WA2RDG when I got my general in 1961. I operate 99.5% CW on 160-6M.

After a long period of inactivity (career and family) I upgraded to extra class in 1988 and became very active. That is also the year that I joined the TRW ARC.

I have a BSEE from NJ Institute of Technology and worked for 45 years in RF and microwave design. I retired from NG/TRW in 2007 after 31 years with the company.”

 The Monthly W6TRW General Meeting is a great place to meet other club members and to ask and answer questions about your radios, local repeaters, and all other radio-related topics.