W6TRW Club Meeting December 12th, 2023

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Backcountry Safety for the Portable Operator”

Adam Kimmerly, K6ARK

“That Others May Live” – These four simple words define the passion and drive Search and Rescue (SAR) people have, and adverse conditions they put themselves through, to save others in distress.

The talk will focus on hams operators taking part in portable activity. Adam K6ARK will show us planning and preparation, what to do in an emergency, and how search and rescue works.

Adam K6ARK has been a ham since 2010 when he earned his technician license. It all started because Adam wanted to learn more about the radios he was using on the SAR team he joined in 2005.  Ham radio is found to be a slippery slope as Adam earned his general class, then extra class license, became addicted to Summits on the Air (SOTA), and went deep down the rabbit hole of antenna design and construction. He is still a member of that same SAR team and spends as much of his time as possible outside and in the mountains.

When: Tuesday, December 12th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Meetings will continue virtually online for the time being. We will remain Virtual until the S-cafeteria renovation is complete.


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833