W6TRW Club Meeting July 12, 2022

Speaker Topic for this Month:

“Sunspots and Radio Propagation”

Terry Dennison, K9TAD

Terry Dennison K9TAD, will give the latest updates on sunspots and propagation! “Sunspots”: What they are, why they happen, why they are so hard to predict, and their effect on radio propagation. Prospects for Cycle 25 and concerns that too much of a good thing might be bad.

See Terry’s numerous accomplishments as listed below!

FCC Extra Class Amateur Radio License (2010)
First Licensed in 2007
Callsign: K9TAD
American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
Volunteer Examiner (VE)
Southern California DX Club
Southern California Contest Club
PAPA System (Southern California FM/DMR/D-Star Repeater Club)
AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation)
G-QRP Club (UK Low-Power QRP Club)
WAC (Worked All Continents) – Completed
Have confirmed contacts from all six continents for WAC award plus Antarctica:
Antarctica, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America

WAS (Worked All States) – Completed
Have confirmed contacts with all 50 US states,
WAS Mixed
20 meter Endorsement
WAS Digital
20 Meter Endorsement
DXCC (Worked 100 Countries and DX entities)
Have confirmed contacts with 126 Countries (and DX entities)
DXCC Mixed
DXCC Digital

73, Terry

When: Tuesday, July 12th at 6:30 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting on Zoom

Due to continued COVID-19 public health guidelines, the W6TRW Club Meetings will not be held in person. Instead, there will be a Virtual Meeting held on Zoom. Click on the link below on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Meeting ID: 827 9465 4895

Phone dial-in: 1 669 900 6833