The ARRL Southwestern Division Convention – HAMCON 2015 – will take place on September 11-13 at the Torrance Marriott Hotel. You do not need to be an ARRL member to attend.
You’ll find all kinds of great stuff going on at the convention including ham radio manufacturers and vendors with deals on their goods, exhibits, and technical talks. There will be door prize raffles, VE testing, A T-Hunt and a W1AW Special Event station operated by volunteers from the South Bay Amateur Radio Club.
Our 2 meter and 440 repeaters may be used as talk-in frequencies for the convention.
The W6TRW Amateur Radio Club is going to display its communication truck outside the convention hall along with some other communications vehicles on Saturday, September 12. Volunteers are needed to staff the truck and show it off to visitors from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
If you are interested please contact Ray Enriquez, KD6IGI or use the Contact Form on this website to let us know.
Information on HAMCON 2015 can be found on their website at