W6TRW General Meeting
Tuesday October 8, 2019 @ 5:30pm
QTH: Roundtable Pizza, 4330 Redondo Beach Blvd, Torrance
Jim Aspinwall, NO1PC via IRLP:
“Sunnyvale club coordination & activities exchange”
Jim NO1PC was first licensed in 1970. He has lived in Campbell, CA since 1992. Jim created and moderates a fantastic amateur radio Elmer forum on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/groups/AmateurRadioElmers/ and maintains a web-site of solid ham radio reference information at www.No1PC.org.
Jim has worked in medical instrumentation, scientific instrumentation, broadcast, commercial and public safety radio, technical marketing, software product management. His present career is Principal Computer Systems Analyst in NGC Enterprise Services in Sunnyvale.
Jim owns/operates several UHF repeater systems in the area – CalNet 443.750, Campbell 442.175, an iconic site in San Francisco on 441.025, GMRS – as well as full HF capability at home and mobile. His battery-powered home shack has enough ham and public safety capability to function as a mini-EOC for local to State emergency traffic. Jim has been a CERT trainer and now fosters the program and communications planning with Campbell and local CERT teams and the local ARES/RACES team.
Among all his other ham activities, Jim will be speaking at Pacificon 2019 in San Ramon, CA this month.
Pizza and conversation at 5:30 PM; Speaker and club business starting at 6 PM.
The Monthly W6TRW General Meeting is a great place to meet other club members and to ask and answer questions about your radios, local repeaters, and all other radio-related topics.